Fireman Bharti Pariksha notes (Hindi)

Fireman Bharti Pariksha notes  (Hindi) 

book all chepter name...

 1. Basics of Physics & Chemistry related to Fire 

2. Anatomy of Fire 

3. Classification of Fires

 4. Extinguishing Media and Foam Making Equipment 

5. Hose and Hose Fittings 

6. Hydraulics

 7. Source of Water Supply 

8. Pump and Primers

 9. Fixed Installations 

10. Automatic Fire Detection cum Alarm System 

11. Ladders 12. Rope and Knots 

13. Small & Special Rescue Gears 

14. Building Construction 15. Fire Fighting Appliances

 16. Electricity & Fire Hazards 

17. Breathing Apparatus 18. Practical Fireman ship

 19. Fire Service Organization 20. Rural Fires

 21. Special Service1 22. Medical First-Aid

Firefighter Tools by Type - The Fire Store

Fireman Firefighting helmets. Hundres of thousands of HEROS firefighting helmet systems have been sold worldwide. Protective clothing. Firefighting gloves. Protective boots. Face protection. Power generators. High performance fans. Submersible pumps.

अग्निशमन हेलमेट। दुनिया भर में हजारों HEROS अग्निशमन हेलमेट सिस्टम बेचे गए हैं। सुरक्षात्मक कपड़े। अग्निशमन दस्ताने। सुरक्षात्मक जूते। चेहरे की सुरक्षा पावर जनरेटर। उच्च प्रदर्शन प्रशंसक। पनडुब्बी पंपों।

Rajasthan fireman Syllabus 2020 pdf

Rajasthan fireman conduct OMR based objective type examination for the post 

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